Defining Permissions and Restricting AccessΒΆ

As all Views in Grok default to public access,
anyone can use the ViewContact view. If you want
to restrict access to a view, you have to explicitly
protect it with a permission.

Define your Grok Permissions by subclassing from the grok.Permission base class. You must use the directive to give your permission a unique name. It can be any string, but it is strongly recommended to prefix them with the application name.

class ViewContacts(grok.Permission):'mysite.ViewContacts')
    grok.title('View Contacts') # optional

class AddContacts(grok.Permission):'mysite.AddContacts')

class EditContacts(grok.Permission):'mysite.EditContacts')

class ViewContactComplete(grok.View)
    """Display Contact Info, including email.

    Only users which have the permission 'mysite.ViewContacts'
    can use this view.
    grok.require('mysite.ViewContacts')  # this is the security declaration

    def render(self):
        contact = self.context
        return 'Contact: %s%s%s' % (contact.first_name,

Note The grok.Permission component base class was introduced after the release 0.10. In earlier versions of Grok a permission was defined using a module level directive, like so:


If you are using grokproject this change currently does not affect your installation. In this case use grok.define_permission as described above.