
Imagine a Grok module for holding Contact Info called By default, anyone is able to view the
ViewContact view.
from zope import component, interface, schema
import grok

class IContactInfo(interface.Interface):
    """ Interface/Schema for Contact Information """
    first_name = schema.Text(title=u'First Name')
    last_name  = schema.Text(title=u'Last Name')
    email      = schema.Text(title=u'E-mail')

class ContactInfo(grok.Model):

    first_name = ''
    last_name  = ''
    email = ''

class ViewContact(grok.View)
    """Display Contact Info, without e-mail.

    Anyone can use this view, even unauthenticated users
    over the internet
    def render(self):
        contact = self.context
        return 'Contact: ' + contact.first_name + contact.last_name