Granting PermissionsΒΆ

You can grant permissions to principals with a PermissionManager. For example, if all registered users should have permission to view contact details and to create new contacts, you could grant them the permissions when the user account is created.

from import IAuthentication
from import InternalPrincipal

# note: the securitypolicy package was moved in Grok 0.12+ from to zope.
from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalPermissionManager

def addUser(username, password, realname):
    """Create a new user.

    create a new user and give it the authorizations,
    ``ViewContacts`` and ``EditContacts``. This example assumes
    you are using a Pluggable Authentication Utility (PAU) /
    PrincipalFolder, which you have to create and register when
    creating your Application.

    pau = component.getUtility(IAuthentication)
    principals = pau['principals']
    principals[username] = InternalPrincipal(username, password, realname)

    # grant the user permission to view and create contacts
    # everywhere in the site
    permission_man = IPrincipalPermissionManager(grok.getSite())

    # NOTE that you need a principal ID. If you are
    # authenticating users with a PAU this is normally the user
    # name prepended with the principals-folder prefix (and the
    # PAU-prefix as well, if set)
    permission_man.grantPermissionToPrincipal (
       principals.prefix + username)
       principals.prefix + username)

Permissions are granted for the context for which the PermissionManager is created, and – if not explicitly overridden – all its children. The above example grants View and Add permissions for the complete site, unless a folder down in the hierarchy revokes the permission.

If you want users to be able to edit only their own ContactInfos, you have to give them the Edit permission only within the context of the ContactInfo-object itself

class AddContact(grok.AddForm):
    """Add a contact.

    # Only users with permission 'mysite.AddContacts' can use
    # this.
    # NOTE that if you don't protect this Form, anyone -- even
    # anonymous/unauthenticated users -- could add ``Contacts``
    # to the site.

    #automagically generate form fields
    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IContactInfo)

    def create(self, **kw):
        # Create and add the ``ContactInfo`` to our context
        # (normally a folder/container)
        contact = ContactInfo()
        self.applyData(contact, **kw)
        self.context[contact.first_name] = contact

        # Grant the current user the Edit permission, but only in
        # the context of the newly created object.
        permission_man = IPrincipalPermissionManager(contact)

class EditContact(grok.EditForm):
    """Edit a contact.

    #only users with permission 'mysite.EditContacts' can use this

    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IContactInfo)

    @grok.action('Save Changes')
    def edit(self, **data):
        self.applyData(self.context, **data)