Background: how grok.View and macros interact

The template attribute and the macro shortcut convention

In the case of grok.View views, they subclass the Zope 3 BrowserPage objects which provide an attribute template, which is the associated page template. The associated page template in turn has got an attribute macros, which is a dictionary containing all the macros defined in the page template with their names as keys (or None).

This means, that you can also reference a macro of a grok.View using:


Grok shortens this path for you by mapping the macros dictionary keys to the associated grok.View. If you define a macro mymacro in a template associated with a grok.View called myview, this view will map mymacro as an attribute, so that you can ask for the attribute mymacro of the view, where as it is in fact an attribute of the associated template.

Such, you can write in short for the above pattern:


View names always start with the ‘eyes’ (@@) which is a shortcut for ++view++<view-name>.