About the grok documentation **************************** :Author: Matthias (nitrogenycs) :Version: n/a Introduction ============ This documentation was created by the grok community. If there is anything missing or unclear, please don't hesitate to _contact us: http://grok.zope.org/community ! The #grok irc channel and mailing lists are full of very helpful people. Even better, you can help us improving the docs in an easy way. Just take a quick look at the next section. Building the docs ================= To build the docs you need mercurial_ (hg). **Windows Users** Install mercurial_ if you don't have it already, create a folder and execute these commands:: hg clone http://bitbucket.org/jhsware/grok-doc bootstrap.py bin\buildout bin\sphinx-build source build **Unix/Mac Users** Install mercurial_ if you don't have it already. Debian/Ubuntu users can do so by:: $ sudo apt-get install mercurial Then, get the sources and build the docs:: $ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/jhsware/grok-doc $ cd grok-doc $ python bootstrap.py $ bin/buildout $ make Now you should be able to open the docs at ``build/index.html``. The commands above pulled the sphinx source code for the documentation and built it. Now you can just go wild and modify the files in the /source subfolder to your liking. If you are not familiar with the syntax, just take a look at the sphinx docs: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/markup/index.html . Don't be afraid to make mistakes, your changes will be reviewed anyway. To rebuild the local docs after changes run:: $ make on Unix/Mac or:: bin\sphinx-build source build on Windows. To commit your changes you need to make a push request on bitbucket.org or ask jhsware (in #grok channel or on the mailing list) to grant you commit access to the grok-docs repository. Thanks for helping us to improve the documentation! .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/